By  Reagan Baseya Mbungu updated on May 24, 2024


Cybersecurity encompasses much more than just technology; it is the proactive ability to anticipate and thwart threats that have the potential to disrupt economies and compromise national security. This field plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive data, networking systems, and programs from cyberattacks around the world. 

In fact, Cyberattacks can disrupt, damage, and even destroy businesses, with the costs incurred by victims continuously rising. For instance, in 2023, the average cost of a data breach amounted to USD 4.45 million, marking a 15% increase over the past three years. Furthermore, ransomware-related data breaches proved to be even costlier, averaging USD 5.13 million, excluding ransom payments, which surged by 89% from the previous year. 

The cumulative impact of cybercrime on the global economy is projected to be staggering, with estimates suggesting it could reach USD 10.5 trillion annually by 2025. In 2023 alone, cybercrime’s economic impact was predicted to hit 8 trillion USD, surpassing the gross domestic product of most countries, trailing only behind economic powerhouses like the United States and China. 

In our modern digital era, cybersecurity stands as a cornerstone in safeguarding and upholding the essential pillars of our society. From bolstering national security to preserving digital privacy, protecting individuals, ensuring business resiliency, and fostering digital trust.  Cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of our interconnected world and also can be employed in our country which is a rapidly evolving landscape in the digital world, and providing this will help foster digital trust not just for the Government but also for businesses and the population at large. 

In recent years, the DRC has faced challenges in fully embracing the benefits of a robust cybersecurity system. As one of the top 10 countries in the world at the bottom of cybersecurity, the lack of strong cybersecurity measures has resulted in significant financial losses annually, leaving the country vulnerable and defenseless. 

In light of these alarming statistics and the escalating threat to the digital landscape, it is evident that investing in robust cybersecurity measures is imperative not only for protecting individuals and organizations but also for safeguarding the stability of economies and national security on a global scale.



Fortifying Cybersecurity in DRC 

The increasing digitization of economic and administrative activities in DRC has heightened its susceptibility to cyber threats, posing significant financial risks and potential disruptions to essential services. In the long absence of a comprehensive cybersecurity in place, the risk of potential breaches could jeopardize our safety and overall integrity. To ensure a robust framework capable of detecting, preventing, and responding to cyber threats effectively, a DRC National Cybersecurity Strategy was created in 2022 by experts in the digital and cybersecurity sector, members of the Technical Commission for Cybersecurity (CTC), established by the Office of the Head of State at the instigation of the President of the Republic Félix-Antoine TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO. 

A National Cyber Defense Council was introduced, and the commission is chaired and coordinated by the Head of State’s Cabinet Director, the Special Adviser on Security, and the Special Adviser on Digital Technologies. 

It is made up of 32 experts, consultants, and players in the modern technologies sector, who worked between February and July 2022. 

The establishment of the National Cyber Defense Council signifies a stride towards bolstering the safeguarding of the country’s digital infrastructure. This strategic initiative aims to streamline cyber defense and intelligence services to proactively thwart and counter cyberattacks. 

The DRC’s commitment to cybersecurity is further underscored by the collaboration between the National Digital Agency (ADN) and Africa Digital Academy, a subsidiary of Africa Development Solutions. This partnership is geared towards training 100,000 public sector employees in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and industry-specific solutions over a two-year period. 

The Digital Development Agency (ADN), responsible for overseeing the implementation of the national digital development policy, will work in tandem with the National Cyber Defense Council (CNC) to bolster the security of digital infrastructures across the country and this collaboration underscores the nation’s commitment to fortifying its digital infrastructure and will enable the ADN to focus on developing secure digital infrastructures, ensuring their resilience against evolving cyber threats. 

Additionally, the unveiling of a National Cybersecurity Strategy for 2022-2025 highlights the government’s focus on governance, data protection, awareness, legislation, risk management, and international cooperation. 

These collaborative efforts align with the Congolese government’s initiatives, such as the recent adoption of a Digital Code covering various topics including e-commerce, electronic contracts, data protection, and cybersecurity. 

Furthermore, the National Cyber Defense Council’s establishment will facilitate enhanced collaboration among stakeholders involved in cyber defense and intelligence, fostering information sharing and the formulation of an effective defense strategy against cyber threats. By working in unison, the ADN and CNC can swiftly and cohesively respond to cyberattacks, safeguarding the country’s digital infrastructures. 



Collaborative Efforts to Enhance Cybersecurity in DRC 

With the urge to contribute to the realm of cybersecurity, Congolese businesses face a myriad of common threats such as phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, and denial of service attacks. Cybercriminals leverage these tactics to steal sensitive data, disrupt business operations, or extort money. To avoid the issues different companies recognizing the importance of cybersecurity are ramping up investments in infrastructure security as:  

Kapital IT Consulting that  offers a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services, including vulnerability assessments, risk management, threat monitoring, cybersecurity training, and incident response. Working closely with clients, Kapital IT Consulting tailors solutions to meet their security needs and protect their businesses from cyber threats. 

Another key player in this initiative, Orange RDC, the Congolese subsidiary of the French telecom giant Orange, along with Orange Cyberdéfense, the cybersecurity entity of the Orange Group. Their partnership aims to safeguard vital infrastructure and data from cyberattacks in the DRC through services like “Microsoc” for securing IT systems, “Intrusion Testing” for detecting vulnerabilities, and “Cyber Diag” for evaluating cyber resilience and offering solutions for any weaknesses. 

The CSSI Institute: A Pillar of Cybersecurity in DRC 

The CSSI Institute, Africa’s leading institution dedicated to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security, plays a crucial role in training future IT security experts. With its varied and tailored programs, they decided to contribute to the country by offering students and professionals a unique opportunity to specialize in the fields of information systems security, data security, physical security, governance and compliance. 

Training courses offered by the CSSI Institute include “Cybersecurity Analysis”, “Cybersecurity Fundamentals,” “Incident Management : SOC” and the ‘CYBERDAY’ Masterclass. These high-level programs are designed to meet the needs of the security market in Africa, a continent where cybersecurity represents a major challenge. 

With cyber-attacks on the rise worldwide, I-CSSI is committed to training experts capable of meeting these challenges. By teaching the fundamental principles of cybersecurity and physical security, the Institute prepares its students to anticipate risks and apply best practices in IT security. 

In addition to its main campus in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Institut CSSI plans to open other campuses in strategic cities such as Brazzaville, Douala, Libreville and Casablanca. This expansion will enable a greater number of people to access quality training and contribute to strengthening digital security on the African continent. 

The I-CSSI is fully in line with the Ministry’s roadmap, which encourages the creation of academies and training centers specializing in digital professions throughout the country. By promoting the development of digital skills, the I-CSSI actively contributes to preparing new generations for the challenges of cybersecurity and the constant evolution of the IT sector. 

As we continue through our development it is important to recognize that in today’s interconnected world, the vitality of societies and national economies hinges on the security of cyberspace. Threats such as cyberwarfare, cyber espionage, hacktivism, and cyberterrorism pose significant risks to national security. Safeguarding society against malicious actors and cybercriminal organizations is paramount to ensuring political stability, safeguarding critical infrastructures, and sustaining economic prosperity. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, we fortify respect for human rights, trust in institutions, and promote a fair and just society. 

The strides taken by the DRC in the realm of digital security are commendable, particularly in a rapidly expanding digital landscape. The concerted efforts of companies like Kapital IT Consulting, Orange RDC, Orange Cyberdéfense, ADN, and Africa Digital Academy are pivotal in bolstering cybersecurity in the DRC and fostering a secure digital environment for all stakeholders. 

Each initiative will significantly impact the country, strengthening its mandate of developing secure digital infrastructures. Through improved coordination among various entities, the DRC will indeed be better equipped to safeguard its digital assets effectively. 

Africa, the cradle of humanity, a land that stirs the soul with its mystic allure. My soul chose to be born in a land where golden savannahs stretch far and wide. A land where one can witness the plains come alive with the rhythmic footsteps of herds embarking on their breath-taking migration in a timeless display of resilience and unity. A country that holds beauty, that enchants the senses and ignites wonder.

My land, my motherland Kenya. Born into a Kenyan family of Asian descent, a family that has lived and breathed Kenya and Africa for previous 5 generations, I can only identify as a Kenyan, a proud 6th generation African. Brought up in a family where ‘Being Human’ was the main principal belief. We have been raised with values that don’t differ greatly from those of the thousands of tribes that make up Africa – roots, heritage, family, faith, morals, principles and more.

Many years ago, I stood on stage at a speech writing contest in High School, where I described the strategy behind Muhamad Ali’s glorious win where he “floated like a butterfly, and stung like a bee” against George Foreman, in the fight forever known as the ‘Rumble in the Jungle.’ Years later, never even in my wildest imagination, did I imagine I would be living in the very ‘jungle’ itself, and working in the world of strategic storytelling and encouraging the amplification of Congolese voices and narratives far and wide across the globe from the heart of Africa.

Congo or as it was then called Zaire, a land that was stamped in the memory of the World as the place where Ali fought Foreman and caused a mighty Rumble in the boxing world. A battle that was immortalised in the song ‘In Zaire’ sung by Johnny Wakelin. Congo was a land everyone wanted to know about.

A land that is endowed with all the riches known to mankind. A blessed land, with a rich cultural heritage and a teeming, deserving population. A land sadly destroyed by its colonial past. Which, since its independence, is slowly trying to attain its rightful place in the World. It is here that I arrived five years back.

As I look back on my first five years of living in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there have been moments of floating and very often, little stings. I moved to Kinshasa for love. In the beginning, I can honestly admit, it was not love for the city or the country or the people – I didn’t know enough about this 

ginormous country and the 100+ million people that fill its borders – it was personal love. But five years later, I never thought I could love a country and its people as though they were mine. That love comes from the heart that feels the mystic rhythm of the African land, and I couldn’t be prouder to call it home.

You can never shake the ancient dust of Africa off your boots – no matter how far and wide you travel.

Having lived in London for thirteen years followed by a few years in the Middle East, returning to Africa was natural. 

The love for Africa always remains in the soul. Living in the heart and soul of Central Africa, has been an adventure.

The narratives that have filled Western Media have sung a different song for many years, call it geo-politics, strategic positioning, economic control, all things aside, the story of the Congo has never really been told loudly by the Congolese themselves. From the outside looking in, the perceptions are dotted and plagued with negativity, but on the ground, the beating hearts of the Congolese are rumbling a little louder day by day towards progress, and it’s in these slivers of hope, that the true stories are revealed.

The stories that spotlight the young entrepreneur battling to build a viable business, young students carving out their careers currently into untapped and underdeveloped industries, the non-existent middle class that should build the private sector and contribute to its growth and the country’s economy, international investors building projects that create jobs and wealth for the locals as much as it does for the financial interest in the Congo. We can’t talk about changing the narrative of a country when we don’t discuss the positive changes that education, infrastructure developments, economic policies, universal health care, food self sufficiency etc can contribute towards developing Congo.

In Africa, a transformative era is on the horizon as the continent sets its sights on change and development like never before, and country examples like Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Morocco, and Kenya are a testament to these positive changes. A combined drive by the Africans to build an Africa by Africans for a future developed Africa. A daunting task as a fellow African who first arrived in Kinshasa for a two-week trip which quickly extended from month to month and snowballed into creating a business in the field of strategic advisory and communications. It was created around the simple premise – the African narrative needs to be written by the Africans, and the Congolese needed a platform for their voices to be heard as far and wide across the globe.

At the heart of Africa, the center of its soul, the Congolese beats are picking up. Business is quietly picking up, post the first peaceful democratic elections. As the incumbent President Felix Tshisekedi embarks on his second mandate, the world waits with bated breath for the promised change and greater development, the impact of which can be felt across the entire population. Whether its infrastructure, governance reform, education, better health, access to basic needs – there are plenty of conversations to be had. Storytelling, an essential part of Congolese culture, an oral tradition that is filled with narratives, stories, and songs, need to be told from the perceptions and opinions of the Congolese.

In the past, and especially in 2023 the power and bias of the international media came to the forefront.

Geopolitics and powerful Media Houses controlled and amplified the narrative that in their perception was important. It’s only natural to question the visibility of certain global issues over another. This raises the question about the impact of our voices when catastrophes and issues affecting an African country are narrated differently. Whether it’s election, unrest or other catastrophes affecting an African country, sometimes the western media does not consider it newsworthy because they do not have an in-depth understanding and information of the issues and disasters that affects this Continent.

There are a lot of positive changes happening as well, and these news worthy developments need to be made a part of the Global narrative. Positive or negative these conversations need to be had openly and who better than the Africans to be at the forefront of this narrative. The true voices of the Congolese need to be heard from their heart and soul and from their perspective. That’s when the true picture of the reality of their lives, struggles and aspirations emerges.

There is a need for a platform where the Congolese voices and the African voices can be heard, where views can be freely given not as a negative but as a positive approach to help bring the DRC to take its rightful place, not just in Africa but also in the World. Is it not our experiences from around the world when put together with like minded individuals – where greatness begins? Where stories and narratives become the basis for legacies.

DRConversations is the platform created as a gift for all the voices that need to be heard, for all the emotions that need to be expressed and to bring forth the dreams and aspirations of a nation on the cusp of development. Join this journey by sharing openly your knowledge and experience to make DRC a happy, positive and progressive Nation.

It’s time for another rumble in the jungle – Welcome to the conversations from the Congo.
